Research (NSW DET 2003) into quality teaching has found that that there are three main features of classroom practice that are linked to improved student learning outcomes;
- Pedagogy that promotes high standards of intellectual quality
- Creation of a quality learning environment
- Pedagogy that demonstrates to students the significance of their learning
What this framework tells me, is that it is vital for all teachers to have a deep understanding of the knowledge they are passing on to their students and that this depth of understanding is explored within the classroom. Lessons must target learning outcomes through integration of students' interests and build upon what they already know in order for learning to have significance in their lives. Learning must be supported by an environment where students feel safe and and respected, as well as having access to up to date resources and information.
I particularly like this framework as it provides me with the guidelines to enhance the learning of my students. Although this framework was put forward by the NSW Department of Education and Training in 2003, it is still very relevant in classrooms today and will continue to be so as it allows for the changes teachers will observe of students over their careers, especially in the ways they think and process information . I also believe that by following this framework it will allow me to better gather and display evidence that I have mastered the seven elements of a graduate teacher according to the NSW Institute of Teachers.
According to Marc Prensky (2001) teachers have to learn to communicate in the language and style of their students. As the students I will be educating are classified as digital natives, I will endeavour to create a learning environment where ICT plays an integral part of students' learning. According to Finger, Russell, Jamieson- Proctor and Russel (2007) with access to new, emerging technologies, the skills to use them and freedom to learn and explore, my students will be able to produce work that I can barely imagine. ICT is the way of the future and by integrating it into my classroom I will be able to better prepare my students as meaningful participants for a digital world.
Fundamentally I desire to be a teacher who creates meaningful learning in a supportive learning environment. I want my students to be interested and engaged in the lessons I deliver and take from them all the knowledge and skills they require in order to live meaningful and purposeful lives.
Sir Ken Robinson pretty much sums up all that I believe in...
Finger, G., Russel, G., Jamieson- Proctor, R., & Russel, N. (2007). Transforming learning with ICT: Making it happen. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Education Australia
Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon. 9 (5).
NSW Department of Education and Training (2003). Quality teaching in public schools: Discussion paper, retrieved 4 February, 2009 from